My Credo

" You've got to create a dream. You've got to uphold the dream. If you
can't, then bugger it.Go back to the factory, or go back to the desk." - Eric

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Load 'em up!

Happy New Year to everyone! Hurrah!!!
And on that note...I have started loading all my beautiful pretties onto my new shop and boy..what a task! I forgot how time consuming it all is, especially on my less-than-speedy (but I love you nevertheless) computer - kisses to you 'puty.
My adorably husband ( after a bit of grumbling and few techincal problems) has once again come thru' with some stunning photos. I love you my dear :) kisses to you too...Mwah.
I'll be gradually adding a couple of items each night (or week) as I have now so many beauties to share. So here's a peek at what's to come....Enjoy!


Sandra Darling Visual Art Creations said...

It can be very time consuming indeed! Gorgeous items tho!

Amalou said...

Oh what beautiful treasures! Happy New Year :)

Unknown said...

I like your collection for jewelry a lot. I have done so much searching for good stuff and have collected beautiful stuff like this... Thanks.